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Dec. 6, 2021, 12:56 p.m. -  Tehllama42

Yeah, so easy for me to forget, since climatologically I live somewhere that is the polar opposite of the north shore.  My dry dusty trails that allow me to carry speed virtually everywhere, and I'm also rocking a body type that allows me, for the most part, to just ignore timing of power and just rely on momentum provided I'm generating at least some usable level of power output.   The other part is the choice of a whip that flatters skills or flatters fitness.  I've found that a light and long HT does so much to flatter my (lack of) fitness that I have more energy and can just brute force my way through things and make up for that utter lack of agility... and then turn it onto sled mode and basically troll people on enduro rigs by sticking to their rear tires or dropping them on chundery descents.  I just needed bigger brakes, and the party is on.

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