Right you are, and I think I was being a bit lazy. They sold the gun biz (and it was the one that makes assault-style rifles that was controversial) not ammo, as you point out. Without going down that rabbit hole, or engaging in a debate about where the line is, I'll simply say that personally, I'm not against hunting* so the ammo thing isn't an issue for me, but respect the fact that it could be for you.
*when done responsibly, by people who eat what they hunt and respect conservation laws, etc
Oct. 21, 2021, 1:06 p.m. - Pete Roggeman
Right you are, and I think I was being a bit lazy. They sold the gun biz (and it was the one that makes assault-style rifles that was controversial) not ammo, as you point out. Without going down that rabbit hole, or engaging in a debate about where the line is, I'll simply say that personally, I'm not against hunting* so the ammo thing isn't an issue for me, but respect the fact that it could be for you. *when done responsibly, by people who eat what they hunt and respect conservation laws, etc