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Oct. 17, 2021, 12:36 p.m. -  AndrewR

I switched to Lynx OGT Raven set up in 2020 ([]( which is all Canadian made (Nelson BC), with the exception of the battery.  For the price of one of the cheaper systems I have two head lamps (one for car and one for the house, or two for night riding), a bar mount, 2-3 helmet mounts and two spare 18650 batteries. 1800 lumens for 3.5 hrs so I can manage a full 0200 hrs depart for a Lord of the Squirrels sun rise mission and completely light up the night and know that I have an emergency reserve of light if I need it, even before committing to the spare batteries. Useful as a guide for camp at night and all other reasons that an awesome head torch comes in handy. The ability to set a variable (lower level) on the first setting is excellent and the SOS function is something that I hope I never have to use.

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