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Oct. 16, 2021, 9:25 a.m. -  Greg Bly

I'm going to guess that every single unit uses the same battery it's a 18650 lithium ion battery. Ranging from 1.5 to 3 amps.   The battery has a protection circut . So does the charging circut. To prevent fires .  I have had one unit compleatly fail and another that never gave a full charge.  Yes warranty covers this. Warranty is rather pointless in the bush at night.  Purchased my units from MEC .  How long would your Ion pro last if you used it every day, um night , for commuting?  Cables failing is exactly why I would never use a separate battery.  Night rides and loose cables is a problem waiting to happen.   Are you aware that all these single units  most likely use the exact same extremely common battery?   When my battery is low on power I pop in a fresh one. Who wouldn't want that feature. ?  No need for battery conservation.  Full burn whenever I want.  And you probably have a story or two as I do of creeping home on low power.  Those days are over for me.

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