I've got a couple long suffering Dinotte lights with head units + separate batteries. The batteries have lost a lot of capacity so I really need to buy either two new ones or at least one new one and then the 2nd light can have 2 older batteries. Given a single battery is $121CAD + $61 shipping it's tempting to try something like this all in one unit and given up on the old lights. Analysis paralysis!
My crappy getting worse eyes lean me in the direction of maximum light firepower.
Oct. 15, 2021, 7:14 a.m. - Vik Banerjee
I've got a couple long suffering Dinotte lights with head units + separate batteries. The batteries have lost a lot of capacity so I really need to buy either two new ones or at least one new one and then the 2nd light can have 2 older batteries. Given a single battery is $121CAD + $61 shipping it's tempting to try something like this all in one unit and given up on the old lights. Analysis paralysis! My crappy getting worse eyes lean me in the direction of maximum light firepower.