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Oct. 12, 2021, 8:03 a.m. -  Simon Apostol

As someone in conservation/ecological restoration, I find this report interesting, and thanks for diving into it. There is some tension and debate in the climate activist community about whether focusing on individual consumer choices (I.e., buying a carbon bicycle) is a way to deflect responsibility from governments and corporations whose actions are the primary drivers of climate change. However, some studies have shown that there is a positive feedback loop where attempting to live more sustainably can motivate people to support policies that have a larger impact. Cycling for transportation is a great example. If you never ride or walk to work you might never notice how unsafe, dirty, and wasteful that 5 lane arterial you need to cross is. Or maybe you can fight for trail access close to your home. Ultimately we all need to do more individually AND wrk towards the dismantling of industries that are the biggest drivers of global warming, while building new and better alternatives. Our new world can be better, but we have a lot of work to do.

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