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Oct. 12, 2021, 3:58 a.m. -  Znarf

That’s right. At the same time, every kg of greenhouse gas that isn’t emitted helps. Even if we fail the 1.5deg goal (which ist pretty likely), the more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,  the more drastic  the changes will be and probably also faster.  There’s a margin between somewhat livable and apocalyptic which isn’t 0/1.  Please do what you can, even if other people don’t. It DOES make a difference. Even if it is only perceivable on a personal scale. It will be scientifically measurable without doubt with 8 billion people.  Regarding cycling and emissions. On one hand, spending calories for fun isn’t efficient.  But if you stick to riding to the trails instead of driving all the time, use your fitness for commuting and replace your bikes/equipment only when it fails, there are many worse ways of recreation in the developed countries.  And I’d wager people who spend time on trails (or even maintain trails) will develop a certain sense for nature and keeping it intact. Cool article, central topic and good of Trek to be (comparably) forward with this data. Sustainability and repairability  should be a fixed, important criteria for all reviews on!

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