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Sept. 30, 2021, 12:49 p.m. -  Spilinki

Well said Andrew. It's interesting how many people spend money on the Ferrari level product for their bikes, likely more so than in many other aspects of their life, relative to their income. We're so easily drawn to proposed benefits, and marketing of the new stuff, and the fashion show appeal, that we often forget the practicality of these simple machines. Durability, simplicity of service, and user serviceable products are most appealing to me now. I was very disappointed to see with Shimano's new DA and Ultegra road groups, that there was no mechanical option, especially with Ultegra. I would hate to see this happen to the mtb groups. I also, don't have the money or tolerance for when those electronic components fair, with a likely more random occurrence.  The note about a AXS Reverb coming out of a bike so easily, as well as the ability to remove a battery, becoming a concern when you 'pop in' to a coffee shop, etc. I love how the industry prescribes what the user is supposed to want, and then turns it back on the user saying that the user has demanded this, so that's why they have made the product...

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