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Sept. 27, 2021, 8:47 a.m. -  Mammal

My first sram experience in a decade included the "just fine" NX group. Within 2 months of riding, the derailleur had 0% clutch engagement. After just short of one season, the plastic bits within the shifter gave out. I view both of these situations as unacceptable. There are NX positives for me though. A CR/Cog set combo that's forecasting for 3 full seasons of wear before replacement (one new chain per season). The cranks continue to be cranks. But those two failures show that they're doing less than their due diligence with certain crucial components, especially when you compare them to a Deore "downgrade". Don't get me started on the usability of their entry level 4 piston brakes (Guide T) vs. even a simple 2-piston set of Shimano brakes.

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