I think Deniz is speaking to the programmability of the system, but I’m just riding it stock.
It reads like you haven’t tried an AXS system? The shifting is crazy light and super fast while remaining totally precise. It’s quite bizarre to experience at first even compared to my Di2 XTR experiences.
That’s coming from someone (me) who certainly wouldn’t buck up for AXS out of my own pocket, but if you do get a chance to try it I think it’s hard not to be impressed with the speed, quality, and action of the shifting.
I’ve seen plenty of bent cogs and derailleur hangers and even some fully broken cassettes from hero shifting so I don’t know that I’d list it as an advantage of a cable system necessarily, but if that’s what you’re into then you can’t beat the latest generation of GripShift!
Sept. 24, 2021, 9:17 a.m. - Andrew Major
I think Deniz is speaking to the programmability of the system, but I’m just riding it stock. It reads like you haven’t tried an AXS system? The shifting is crazy light and super fast while remaining totally precise. It’s quite bizarre to experience at first even compared to my Di2 XTR experiences. That’s coming from someone (me) who certainly wouldn’t buck up for AXS out of my own pocket, but if you do get a chance to try it I think it’s hard not to be impressed with the speed, quality, and action of the shifting. —— I’ve seen plenty of bent cogs and derailleur hangers and even some fully broken cassettes from hero shifting so I don’t know that I’d list it as an advantage of a cable system necessarily, but if that’s what you’re into then you can’t beat the latest generation of GripShift!