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Sept. 5, 2021, 10:49 p.m. -  Heinous

I should be clearer. It wasn't a dig so much at any builder, but many. The flex stay designs are popping up with reduced warranty periods and I can't see many builders who put their names on the side of a frame taking the risks associated with third party rear ends that aren't as durable.  There does appear to be accessible software for modelling and designing suspension now though (racooz, linkage) which might facilitate home builders just like BikeCAD has.  I've spoken to more than one super high end Ti builder over the years who'd toyed with buying rear ends off big guys but nothing ever came to fruition. I do totally agree with your comment on shed magic and steel though. I was about to order an Actofive when they were steel, and the change to solid alloy (literally two solid pieces) just lost all romance and promise of supple feel for me.

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