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Sept. 3, 2021, 7:43 p.m. -  Andrew Major

HAHAHAHA. I guess I could say that a super lightweight carbon rear end on a custom steel, or custom aluminum, front end is significantly lighter than an all-steel custom production. But certainly, a carbon Hei Hei with an angleset would be a much lighter option. When I write an editorial like this, or my [**Weight Is Over**]( piece, I have two goals. The first is to entertain. The second is to inform. And I know I've done a decent job when the entertaining and informing is a two-way street. Like this piece! In fact, I think the comments are better than the article, which is always nice.  The fact is, if one of my part-time gigs wasn't writing for I would probably be quite content to just ride my single-speeded Walt on all my mountain bike rides without a second thought. I don't care about being first up or down the hill and it's a beautiful mountain bicycle to ride. It's all go all sort of different guises from rigid 29+ to the XC build I'm running right now, though even with a 120mm XC fork and lighter wheels, it's no featherweight.

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