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June 23, 2021, 9:16 p.m. -  Gage Wright

That's funny that the toys have changed but the debates have not.  Just like the timeless debate the steel hardtail will never die, long live the steely HT. True I could never ride a factory setup motorbike but I would take a gucci bike any day.  I am also curious about happiness to bike ratio.  Another endless debate about whether the latest and greatest makes you happier than the old idiom of run what you brung.  I just wish there were some data out there in the ether that would apply something like a Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH) scale to bike expenditure/travel/geo/wheel size.  I wonder what that data would say?    I hope Ryan and Veronika ride the bikes on some dirt jumps.  If not for the review then just for the shear heck of it.

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