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June 14, 2021, 7:25 a.m. -  Jakub Gábriš

I´m gonna throw a curve ball and say that hot waxing a chain is pain in the ass but as long as you do 2-3 chains at the time and swap them after 3-4 weeks, it isn´t too bad. Nothing comes close to how long it lasts and how smooth it feels for first couple of rides, and the chain is clean, and I really mean clean like you can touch it wothout your hand getting dirty. Price wise, it isn´t bad at all either. I bought absolute black wax for less than 30 euro and it could very well last me for 10 years(if I stay healthy enough keep riding my bike for that long, hopefully I will). Prepping the new chains is the hardest bit really. But I like to complicate things so I like it so far lol.

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