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June 5, 2021, 8:15 a.m. -  Tjaard Breeuwer

@Andrew Major, I would suggest checking the coverage of that Bell Super helmet.  A few years ago my oldest wore mine for a day, crashed, and put a gash underneath her lower lip. Nothing to serious, but still has a bit of scar tissue sticking out, ~3 years later. She was a lot bigger than your girl at the time too. What we found out after the fact was that, despite fitting well around her head, the chinbar sat quite low, and was easily pushed even lower. Combined with the large facial opening, this meant there was almost no protection for her face. We ended up buying about 6 different helmets in her head size, and trying them on. We then checked  how easy the chinbar pushed down. Then we did a comparison by using different sized balls,  to see which helmet stopped the smallest radius ball (pointiest rock) from contacting her face: basketball, soccer ball, kids soccer ball, softball. There was a huge difference! Despite all helmets fitting wel around the top of her head. We ended up with the IXS Xult.

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