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May 25, 2021, 7:45 a.m. -  Merwinn

As we all know, EVs are seen an important step to reducing CO2 emissions and air quality issues because this can have an effect at a fairly granular household level. In addressing the used EV battery issue there is a notable [re-purposing program]( in Oz to lower demand peaks and help phase out coal-fired peaker plants for farms and manufacturing, VW also has a [pilot program]( for its existing eGolfs, and McKinsey points out that by 2030 there will be a significant [market for used Li-Ion batteries](\#). It's encouraging to see there is a secondary market for EV batteries instead of the literal dump. As an aside, my pet peeve is consumer dental products. The amount of single-use, non-recyclable plastics products is jaw dropping.

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