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May 5, 2021, 1:25 p.m. -  Andy Eunson

Same here. Interestingly when I did have matching SRAM brakes and shifters, I needed a front shifter match maker to get the rear shifter where I wanted it. I give zero shits to alleged aesthetics of having controls with individual clamps. Or running my seat back on the rails, or having spacers under my stem or any of those not cool things because the bike must fit and function first. Road guys were the worst. Stem MUST be slammed. The ends of the drop bar MUST be horizontal or point at the rear axle. Brake levers MUST be oriented just so with the lever end lining up with the bottom of the bar. Stem MUST be at least a 120.  All these things that are primarily for aesthetics can FOAD. Slammed stems, ultra wide bars, Internal routing. I’d add  short chainstays and ultra steep seat tube angles to that list.

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