Brace yourself for a light sentence. The result that mattered is already
behind us, with the guilty plea. Realistically, with little likelihood of her
posing future danger, lack of a prior record, and considering that she has a
considerable amount to lose if where were to re-offend, the most likely
outcome is a conditional discharge of some sort. Maybe a fine. As immensely
outraged as I was by her actions, I'm fine with whatever the sentencing judge
hands out.
Jan. 21, 2016, 11:13 a.m. - ashroadadam1 .
#!markdown Brace yourself for a light sentence. The result that mattered is already behind us, with the guilty plea. Realistically, with little likelihood of her posing future danger, lack of a prior record, and considering that she has a considerable amount to lose if where were to re-offend, the most likely outcome is a conditional discharge of some sort. Maybe a fine. As immensely outraged as I was by her actions, I'm fine with whatever the sentencing judge hands out.