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Feb. 25, 2021, 4:24 p.m. -  Pete Roggeman

Way, way, WAY back in time (2001, 2, and 3, maybe a little later) we had a series called 'Bros not Pros' which profiled local personalities. We're long overdue to bring back something along those lines (ah yeah, with a new title). Oh, don't worry, in our infinite wisdom, we also dedicated some online column-inches to the female riders of the time with the unfortunately named 'Chicks not Dicks' (yeah, that was a long time ago and we regret that). Anyway, main point is that now there are infinitely more interesting and varied people riding bikes here on the shore and in other areas close by, and that means lots of opportunities for good content about people and their relationship with bikes, riding, trails, etc.

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