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Feb. 25, 2021, 10:14 a.m. -  Christopher Wallace

Why not just have a profile on Sanesh? Why turn it into a social sciences interview? Do you understand Critical Race Theory and how it is the backbone of what Sanesh and Mark are pushing? Again why is this needed in a mountain bike site? Why can’t we just all enjoy our common thread of mountain biking? We now feel the need to divide everybody into groups over race, gender ability etc – sure sounds like segregation to me. Doesn't mean we can't do better but is this really progress? Shut up and listen is terrible advice, people don’t respond well to being told to shut up and leads to a one sided conversation – aren’t we supposed to be learning from each other? “Something I see all too often in these discussions is a feeling from the perspective of white men (and women, sometimes) that the mere existence of an article like this is an attack on them that is taken personally” That’s your assumption, maybe people such as myself don’t agree segregating everyone into groups and would rather celebrate our common interests. Finally Mark and Sanesh tell us racism is present in every interaction in life – they want us to believe that racism is an everyday occurrence for people of color (straight out of CRT). I am married to a person of color. In a twenty year relationship she has experienced one racist comment under someone’s breath in a small interior town. Sanesh tells us he has experienced racism once in his life a long time ago so where is the ever present spectre of racism? Oh right I can’t see it because of my privilege – well my wife doesn’t have this privilege and she can’t see it either. And ya I won’t be visiting much anymore – don’t need to be annoyed with a site that is supposed to bring me a break from the daily stress. So disappointing.

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