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Feb. 4, 2021, 2:47 p.m. -  Pete Roggeman

That's a useful side-by-side comparison. In getting ready to write this piece, I realized that my knowledge of the various Gore-Tex options is not complete, which means most riders are likely in the same boat. I took a surface stab at explaining it a little bit, but I think there's room to go deeper. I also think that Gore and the brands that use it need to do more to explain these things. It is, admittedly, fairly technical and probably one or two levels deeper than most people want to go, but there's a lot of technology hidden beneath the surface of 3, 4, 5 and 600 dollar jackets and the more people understand about it, the better I think they can choose what they really need and also decide what level of investment makes sense for them.

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