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Jan. 26, 2021, 12:12 p.m. -  AJ Barlas

As STFU said, they're not everyone's cup of tea but they work. So if a quiet bike is something people are after, this will achieve that more than simply relying on the stock protection. It's not just the sound that they cut down on either, and limiting the space a chain can move has an effect on the feel of the bike. It's not massive, but I found it noticeable. Some won't notice the difference of a new chain, others will. That's a close comparison to the difference felt on the trail.  I'm all for minimalism where suitable. Pole bikes are a big proponent of it but tbh, I find the quality of the finished product lacking and clunky as a result. Sometimes a bit extra goes a long way to cleaning up the ride experience and that's what these can do.  Each to their own, though.

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