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Dec. 2, 2020, 8:29 a.m. -  Skyler

I know that deciphering geo charts is pretty complicated, but I'm trying to wrap my head around the extremely long Effective Top Tube lengths. This might be a pretty unpopular opinion, but I find it very easy to adapt to different Reach/Stack lengths. On the other hand, even though I'm all about the down, there's no way around the fact that I spend most of my time in the bike sitting and pedaling. And I can really notice when the seated fit of a bike is too long or too short. ETT seems like the most useful number for getting an picture of this. The Knolly looks to be about 30-40mm longer in the top tube length than the same size in almost every other brand. Is it a much more stretched out, aggressive pedaling fit, or am I misunderstanding the numbers?

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