I've never heard air being released from the bleeders but have definitely felt a difference with my older Durolux fork and agree they're a great feature (more on that in my final review).
I like the bleeder screws that SR is using v. the buttons for a few reasons. Firstly they're simple (less expensive / nothing to go wrong). Secondly, if a rider lays their fork down on the bleeders nothing happens with the SR where a lot of riders can tell you a story about getting bath oil all over their floor, car, or the shop's service counter.
Aug. 24, 2020, 12:09 p.m. - Andrew Major
I've never heard air being released from the bleeders but have definitely felt a difference with my older Durolux fork and agree they're a great feature (more on that in my final review). I like the bleeder screws that SR is using v. the buttons for a few reasons. Firstly they're simple (less expensive / nothing to go wrong). Secondly, if a rider lays their fork down on the bleeders nothing happens with the SR where a lot of riders can tell you a story about getting bath oil all over their floor, car, or the shop's service counter.