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March 18, 2020, 9:30 p.m. -  Hbar

Will an Alfine be durable enough? I've had internally-geared hubs (Nexus) on my do-everything-but-trails bike for years, and they're great, but I detonated one after about 12 years. Tried to keep it adjusted (shimano trigger shifter) and lubed (lots of time reading sheldon brown), but when it got older it occasionally skipped under load. This apparently broke teeth off some little gears (not sure which ones), which then floated around in the hub and caused further badness.  I worry that such a system might be intolerant of failure or misalignment, unlike the cassette/derailer combo. 12 years was great, lots of miles, but nowhere near the desperate torques of trail riding. Are Alfine/rohloff tougher?

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