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March 18, 2020, 10:34 a.m. -  Andrew Major

Thanks; at the end of day it’s all about entertainment! That would be a short infotorial. All pressfits will creak eventually (probably) put hard through the North Shore trail network but in terms of best practices companies can copy Suntour (heavy) or Ohlins (expensive). There’s a reason these two companies are starting to dominate the low-end and high-end of the mountain-moped market respectively. Put another way, the Auron/**[Durolux](** and RXF 36 are solid buys if you hate creaking CSUs. For most non-super-Pro riders the Suntour PCS-RC2 forks are so under rated (un-rated). My Durolux is actually the baseline I test other forks against. Performance aside, there are folks out there riding Tippie’s, Buehler’s, and Doerfling’s used single crown forks and they’re silent. I recently purchased a **[Helm](** for my hardtail (taking a little break from rigid fork + shore trails) and I’m fingers crossed that other riders creak-free experiences translate to mine as well. Also should mention I haven’t heard of anyone making a **[Mezzer](** creak and it’s been a great platform (review coming ASAP).

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