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Dec. 12, 2019, 3:37 p.m. -  cedrico

Here's evidence that contradicts your statements about nothing getting done because of PR ([source]( _"\[...\]__ Looking at a number of specific indicators, Lijphart found that in countries using proportional systems: _ * _Voter turnout was higher by 7.5 percentage points, when contextual factors are taken into account._ * _Government policies were closer to the view of the median voter._ * Citizens were more satisfied with the performance of their countries’ democratic institutions, _even when the party they voted for was not in power._ * _There was a small increase in the number of parties in Parliament._ * _The share of women elected to legislators was 8 percentage points higher._ * _Scores were higher on measures of political participation and civil liberties"_ And some more data, specifically about the environment ([source]( _"Countries with proportional systems tend to act more quickly and do more to protect the environment. These countries:_ * _Acted earlier to protect the environment_ * _Scored higher on the environmental protection index_ * _Slowed the growth of CO2 emissions five times more effectively_ * _Have made 117% greater use of renewable sources of energy."_ Correlation does not equal causation, but still, the correlation is strong, and it helps that it's supported by theory (most political scientists support proportional representation voting systems).

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