I have two sets of dropouts for my Spitfire, one 10mm longer than the other.
I've had only the obvious revelation - that the shorter set corner quicker, get the front up easier and are more 'fun', while the longer drops are more stable at speed...
No contest for me - I'll take fun over speed any day, but I like that there are options.
(yes, I've tried all the HA options too, and found myself using the same one as everyone else, low.)
Sept. 29, 2019, 11:42 p.m. - Velocipedestrian
I have two sets of dropouts for my Spitfire, one 10mm longer than the other. I've had only the obvious revelation - that the shorter set corner quicker, get the front up easier and are more 'fun', while the longer drops are more stable at speed... No contest for me - I'll take fun over speed any day, but I like that there are options. (yes, I've tried all the HA options too, and found myself using the same one as everyone else, low.)