Did Shimano finally solve the crank finish issue? That is, several iterations of Shimano cranks throughout the years look very worn after only a few pedal strokes. This is of course due to shoes rubbing grit into them. Are those pix of the XTR cranks after they've been used? If so, they look like they are really standing up to abrasion, or you don't rub them at all.
Sept. 24, 2019, 11:28 a.m. - pdxkid
Did Shimano finally solve the crank finish issue? That is, several iterations of Shimano cranks throughout the years look very worn after only a few pedal strokes. This is of course due to shoes rubbing grit into them. Are those pix of the XTR cranks after they've been used? If so, they look like they are really standing up to abrasion, or you don't rub them at all. Thanks,