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Sept. 24, 2019, 7:50 a.m. -  slyfink

wow, that's a lot of info to take in! But I read it all, because I have questions. which still remain. notably regarding the cranks. I recently came >< this close to buying some of the new XT cranks. But I thought I'd wait to see if any reports of creaky direct-mount chainrings surfaced.  I want to try shorter cranks. I currently run RaceFace Cinch cranks, and have experienced some creaking. So has every single one of my buddies that has Cinch cranks. It's not bad, but if I'm going to change cranks I want that issue gone. So... can you comment about Shimano's direct-mount chainring to crank arm interface? Any sounds emanating from it? Also, any word on whether the 12-speed teeth will interface with 11-speed chains? thanks for the in-depth reviews...!

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