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July 25, 2019, 8:12 p.m. -  Shinook

Thanks for the reply! The ingestion of bath oil in the GRIP dampers has been a bit puzzling to me, it seems like a really bad idea esp. considering how filthy most of the bath oil in my lowers typically is. I do a pretty good job of servicing it, but it still ends up with a lot of debris. I've heard a lot of really good things on the way the fork feels, though, and I've yet to ride one. I am not completely opposed to the weight or a2c. It seems like my Auron seemed to do best ~25% sag and my current fork is closer to 20, by the time I add that 5%, the fork will be sitting lower anyway.  I guess I'm trying to get more of a ride feel comparison between the Durolux, GRIP2, and the Helm currently on my bike. Any insights as to the on the trail feel between those three?

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