Cheers Reini, what year of HONZO! are you riding? SS or gears?
I will do full follow up reviews on all the stuff in this piece, so definitely more shots of Honzo will show up. We don’t review our personal bikes, but there will also be more pictures of my Honzo, Walt, and Rift Zone on my Instagram account over time (linked to my name at top).
Really appreciate you reading!
Nov. 24, 2018, 12:46 p.m. - Andrew Major
Cheers Reini, what year of HONZO! are you riding? SS or gears? I will do full follow up reviews on all the stuff in this piece, so definitely more shots of Honzo will show up. We don’t review our personal bikes, but there will also be more pictures of my Honzo, Walt, and Rift Zone on my Instagram account over time (linked to my name at top). Really appreciate you reading!