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Oct. 15, 2018, 4:18 p.m. -  Mark

I do a sportbike trip down to Northern California usually every couple of year or so. We trailer the bikes down instead of riding as it's faster, more comfortable and saves tread wear on the bikes. It's usually the same group of people, but not always. What interesting is that some guys who share the ride are on top of splitting gas and there are always a few extra bucks for whoever drives. It's not so much wear and tear percentage, but an acknowledgement that someone made the effort to drive or that they could and the others couldn't. It usually works out for the driver that they spend about 1/2 or less on what should have been their fair share of the gas.  The other guys pony up for gas as well, but there's usually some sort of calculation involved and nothing extra for the driver. Now it's a bit of a different situation as we're driving from Van to Redding in one shot which is about 14hrs and 1200kms each way, but the idea is the same as an mtb road trip.  When it comes time to plan a trip, if I'm going there's no hesitation who I'm willing to take if I'm driving or who I'm willing to go with if I'm a passenger. What's really noticeable is that the guys that put in extra seem to have the same positive attitude in other parts of their life too in terms of sharing and taking responsibility for things like splitting bills at a restaurant, etc. Funny how it works out like that.

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