I've got some rides with it as a front tire i the wet now. For rocky, rooty, loamy trails I'm pleased with it. On one of our trails where the mud is quite sticky the Assegai did not shed the mud very well. There was quite a bit of mud left on the tire even after a 3 km gravel road ride back to the car. My buddy's Magic Mary was sheddig the mud easier. So, good tire as long as your mud is not too sticky.
Can't compare directly to the minions as I haven't had them in the MaxxGrip compound and DH casing. But at least I can say thet the grip of my Assegai (Dh casing Maxxgrip), is vastly better than the High Roller 2 (DD Maxxterra) I have as a rear tire.
Oct. 9, 2018, 6:25 a.m. - Tadpoledancer
I've got some rides with it as a front tire i the wet now. For rocky, rooty, loamy trails I'm pleased with it. On one of our trails where the mud is quite sticky the Assegai did not shed the mud very well. There was quite a bit of mud left on the tire even after a 3 km gravel road ride back to the car. My buddy's Magic Mary was sheddig the mud easier. So, good tire as long as your mud is not too sticky. Can't compare directly to the minions as I haven't had them in the MaxxGrip compound and DH casing. But at least I can say thet the grip of my Assegai (Dh casing Maxxgrip), is vastly better than the High Roller 2 (DD Maxxterra) I have as a rear tire.