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Sept. 28, 2018, 8:33 a.m. -  AJ Barlas

The new Sparten looks and sounds like an absolute weapon but let’s get serious about sizing for a sec. There is no way someone 198cm tall can comfortably ride a bike with a 639mm TT and 485mm reach! Especially with such a short CS of 432mm. My back aches just reading that and I’m in the middle of the claimed size range for the XL.  It’s time for brands to get real! Stop messing with people’s backs and accept the reality of your sizing. If the range only comfortably fits someone up to 183cm, then so be it. Sure, running it in high fetches a decent reach of 495mm but it’s probably safe to say most will run it in the low setting. Unless they still see a need for 100mm stems or something? In that case I take it all back, including the opening statement.  /Rant

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