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Sept. 26, 2018, 11:22 a.m. -  Frank Giraffe

Thanks for this article, it explained some things I had not seen elsewhere. The Sept 5 episode of the CyclingTips podcast also had a pretty good discussion on this mess. But there are still a couple pieces of info I have NOT seen discussed in any of these (bike) tariff articles: 1\. Exactly WHICH manufacturers make frames in China? **Name names!** I feel like bike journalism is afraid to state uncomfortable truths about Asian manufacturing. I hear things tossed out like "all bikes come out of just a handful of factories" and I'd like to know exactly what the facts are.  2\. What (if any) tariffs has the EU been subjecting bikes to?  While I am opposed to almost every policy of the current US administration, the intellectual property theft situation is ridiculous and will need to be addressed at some point. I do not know if tariffs will fix that however, as it seems deeply ingrained into the culture.

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