Unlike some of the hungry young wolves who have lent their kind words to this obituary, I was one degree farther away from Ingrid, never having met her, but new many of those who she supported so generously. Our North Shore riding community is a small one, after all, and though I didn't know Ingrid personally, I remember speaking of her like I did. "Oh, I got a great new set of pads from Ingrid yesterday!" Her gear was unique, and reflected the outward expression of a young community finding its voice. Considering my first ride on Cypress was 30 years ago, I'm an old man now, long since distanced on the trails by multiple generations of riders, but my stoke is as true as the spirit the grommets have out there today. In my closet, hangs a Roach jacket... you know, the one where the sleeves zip off to reveal a vest. So, so cool. It's stained, ragged, and I rarely wear it, but I can't let it go. It's a vestige of a time passed that I cherish deeply. Thank you Ingrid for helping shape the original identity of North Shore riding that we all love and participate in today.
Sept. 25, 2018, 4:46 p.m. - markisfat
Unlike some of the hungry young wolves who have lent their kind words to this obituary, I was one degree farther away from Ingrid, never having met her, but new many of those who she supported so generously. Our North Shore riding community is a small one, after all, and though I didn't know Ingrid personally, I remember speaking of her like I did. "Oh, I got a great new set of pads from Ingrid yesterday!" Her gear was unique, and reflected the outward expression of a young community finding its voice. Considering my first ride on Cypress was 30 years ago, I'm an old man now, long since distanced on the trails by multiple generations of riders, but my stoke is as true as the spirit the grommets have out there today. In my closet, hangs a Roach jacket... you know, the one where the sleeves zip off to reveal a vest. So, so cool. It's stained, ragged, and I rarely wear it, but I can't let it go. It's a vestige of a time passed that I cherish deeply. Thank you Ingrid for helping shape the original identity of North Shore riding that we all love and participate in today.