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Sept. 25, 2018, 12:20 p.m. -  Tehllama42

Late to the party, but I'm glad to gloat about having already posted the same thoughts that remain unchanged. Motorized bicycles are just that - but in areas where motorized recreation is permissible and compatible with the trails in question, eBikes are going to be a thing.  As the power density improves, they'll actually get to be more and more capable tools to go out and ride with. I'm happy that the components spree coming out of this will supply my fat 110kg self with adequate brakes, cassettes, forks, and tires for the forseeable future - but the negative impact will be the response to trail access because for most land managers a fancy expensive bicycle with pedals and a motor in the downtube isn't easy to distinguish from a fancy expensive bicycle with pedals and snacks in the downtube. I think in areas where trail advocacy and good trailbuilding has a foothold, the negative consequences aren't going to be as severe (more users, more mean miles per user - but larger user base to numerically argue from, and slightly better access for trail building in specific areas), but they'll be present. In areas where that is tenuous, we'll see a pretty massive chilling effect on opening up trails to bicycle access which previously may not have been, or greater reliance on bike-only trails being build in parallel at greater cost within areas that are to be opened to bike access.   Like every other hobby I'm into, the rulemaking isn't driven by the compliant users, but the worst case scenario based on capability.  I know how to reflash firmware on controller boards, and I could quite easily spec out >800W electronic speed controllers and motors to run with higher specific power batteries (a 6S-2P 1300mAh LiPO setup fits in a downtube fine), and for about five minutes I could rip around with that setup on 1.5bhp max. net output anywhere I please and look like any other eBike, which is plenty of opportunity to create mayhem if I wanted to be stupid about it. In areas where a bicycle with a motor is allowed, eBikes are going to be a really cool thing - just treat them like a bicycle with a motor and most things shake out... it'll be the gits who feel entitled to demand that they take their $8000 toys anywhere who will ruin it for lots of others inevitably, which gets the game of 'misplace the blame' going full speed.

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