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Sept. 25, 2018, 12:04 p.m. -  Tehllama42

"Press Junket Lemonade" is among the best articles I've read to be honest. It captures so much of why bicycle journalism is what is it and why.  Can anybody expect somebody with good riding and writing skills getting the sort of (low) direct monetary compensation on offer to remain perfectly objective when paraded through the type of treatment that only the fabulously wealthy can afford at sticker price?  No. Should we expect that - obviously not. Taking the time to fully disclose that, and document it publically before spouting out an opinion about the hardware they were taken to analyze - the correct answer that lets us draw our own conclusions. Happens in every industry, and since there isn't enough cash feedthrough to go full Consumer Reports double-blind hidden buyer testing of bicycles that haven't even been released into the wild - this is the best we can hope for, and I'd argue Dave has achieved the top level standard for what we as readers can ask for.

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