Late to the party, but what a good thread. I used carry tonnes of stuff as Cam noted. I still carry a pack (and have two packs. One for DH and one for all mountain). I remember life before a Camelbak with all the stuff on the bike. The Camelbak was a revelation. Would still rather put stuff on my back than bike or fanny.
That said, I don’t carry much. Water, tube, KMC tire lever with missing link tool incorporated, old school Allen key set with added torx Allen key, zap straps, plugs w bacon strip and valve core, pump w gorilla tape (no C02). Never had the need to seat a tire with Stan’s rim and Magic Mary.
Sept. 19, 2018, 6:33 p.m. - jason
Late to the party, but what a good thread. I used carry tonnes of stuff as Cam noted. I still carry a pack (and have two packs. One for DH and one for all mountain). I remember life before a Camelbak with all the stuff on the bike. The Camelbak was a revelation. Would still rather put stuff on my back than bike or fanny. That said, I don’t carry much. Water, tube, KMC tire lever with missing link tool incorporated, old school Allen key set with added torx Allen key, zap straps, plugs w bacon strip and valve core, pump w gorilla tape (no C02). Never had the need to seat a tire with Stan’s rim and Magic Mary.