Our city council has officially permitted eBikes on a very few select trails as a test run, but in reality there is no policing, and it's starting to look like permission by ignoring the issue.
I've only seen one small sign, but plenty of users heading up my local trails (not in the test group) who seem surprised when I hoist myself out of my rocking chair to inform them of the error of their ways.
Sept. 19, 2018, 4:38 p.m. - Velocipedestrian
This. Our city council has officially permitted eBikes on a very few select trails as a test run, but in reality there is no policing, and it's starting to look like permission by ignoring the issue. I've only seen one small sign, but plenty of users heading up my local trails (not in the test group) who seem surprised when I hoist myself out of my rocking chair to inform them of the error of their ways.