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Sept. 19, 2018, 12:45 p.m. -  MaWa

I think it is even worse than in the states: Austria - every unpaved trail/road ist forbidden for bicycles as long as it is not allowed by signs Switzerland - nearly every trail ist allowed to ride  Bavaria - every trail that is not forbidden ist allowed (constant trouble because farmers want to close trails for everyone. All trails are forbidden to bikes with any kind of engine in it. So basically e-Bikes are forbidden in Bavaria Baden-Württemberg - every trail narrower than 2 meters is forbidden Italy - nobody knows and nobody cares, except around lake garda. e-Bikes are not going to change anything in a positive direction. I think we will see biking forbidden on any trail not build for biking. Because insurance companies don't want to pay too much. We see a big increase in deadly accidents by e-bikers in europe.

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