There are a few pumps specifically designed to do both. Some use a secondary chamber for when you are pumping a tire and need more volume. Unfortunately I haven’t found one that Is small enough because you are right - I often need a shock pump but rarely have one these days. My lord of the squirrels descent was spoiled this summer by a sloppy mechanic and me being too rushed to check/adjust the pressure he put in my fork. A shock pump would have saved me. Now if someone designed a functional short shaft dual purpose pump I’d be all over it.
Sept. 19, 2018, 8:24 a.m. - Cam McRae
There are a few pumps specifically designed to do both. Some use a secondary chamber for when you are pumping a tire and need more volume. Unfortunately I haven’t found one that Is small enough because you are right - I often need a shock pump but rarely have one these days. My lord of the squirrels descent was spoiled this summer by a sloppy mechanic and me being too rushed to check/adjust the pressure he put in my fork. A shock pump would have saved me. Now if someone designed a functional short shaft dual purpose pump I’d be all over it.