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May 21, 2018, 5:19 p.m. -  Reed Holden

A cougar wanted to eat my wife once. It acted exactly like this one. Was running behind her while she was biking up a hill. I came down and made lots of noise etc. The cougar thought about things for a second then walked off into the woods.  We took 10 seconds to figure out which way to get away from this animal. It was at that moment that I heard a crack of a tree branch 30ft in the other direction. The cougar had gone out of site and looped around to get the drop on us. That made up our mind as to which way to go. We started walking away while keeping the cougar in sight. Once we got about 200ft away and I could no longer see the cat, I told my wife to book it down. She never cleaned every bit of that trail like she did that day. Even the big rock face she usually takes a look at before attempting she just floated down.  Moral of the story is don't take your eye off a wild animal and back away slowly.  Very sad what happened to these two. Ride safe everyone.  Reed

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