Totally depends on your budget. Best place for trainer reviews is To make the biggest impact you need to train with power. If you don't have a power meter then I would suggest getting that for your bike and a dumb trainer and follow a training plan. If you have more cash to lay out then you can substitute a smart trainer. Tons to read about, but IMO the most important investment to make first is a power meter for your bike which will be useful both inside and outside.
Dec. 14, 2017, 12:13 p.m. - Moritz Haager
Totally depends on your budget. Best place for trainer reviews is To make the biggest impact you need to train with power. If you don't have a power meter then I would suggest getting that for your bike and a dumb trainer and follow a training plan. If you have more cash to lay out then you can substitute a smart trainer. Tons to read about, but IMO the most important investment to make first is a power meter for your bike which will be useful both inside and outside.