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Dec. 14, 2017, 9:21 a.m. -  Mic

I am a dad myself, and yes, when we lived together before the break it was at times challenging.  But in this day and age of easy-to-access info and training and coaching your argument is not really all that valid in the long run.  Dads and moms need time to get used to the new vircumstances but sooner or later it all comes down to the facts that  - every single one of us gas 24 hours. How and with what we spend them depends on each one of us. - if a rider wants to improve and stay healthy long term he/she does not come around input/training from other areas/pursuits, be it yoga or lifting. - being a good dad entails being a positive, life-affirming role model. And for that Little Toddler should understand that health and happiness can be connected to training and goals.  But....I can remember that time of "I just want to go gor a ride NOW!" time pretty well, after the birth and the first time.

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