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Nov. 8, 2017, 10:42 a.m. -  dtimms

All valid points Cam. I didn't call you smug if a dude rides a clapped out ten-year-old Stinky and I did attach meaning to things you may not have suggested.   That said, everyone interrupts what you read in different ways. To me, it came across as "If you want to be in our club (mountain bikers), then mountain biking needs to be more important to you than anything else because those are the choices I made."  There is also a lot more I read in that article and I acknowledged that. You can go and have fun and ride a bike on dirt without having a bling machine. Just get out and ride. So I think we are on the same page with all that.  I just read parts of it differently. Great article and thank you for engaging us in a discussion. Always good to get a solid response and you are a much better writer than I am. I struggle to articulate my arguments in written form.

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