I've not had a problem running the 29+ DHF/DHR combo on my Krampus it's pretty awesome from a traction point of view. I'm not sure it's any better than a WT 2.5 which also seems to provide a metric ton of traction. Running a smaller wheel in the back is an interesting idea and likely inevitablly harsher riding but the slightly slacker head angle and much faster rolling wheel may offset the pain ;) one thing about those Maxxis DHF/DHR 29+ in the 3C is they are sloooow rolling beast tires!
Nov. 6, 2017, 11:58 a.m. - Michael
I've not had a problem running the 29+ DHF/DHR combo on my Krampus it's pretty awesome from a traction point of view. I'm not sure it's any better than a WT 2.5 which also seems to provide a metric ton of traction. Running a smaller wheel in the back is an interesting idea and likely inevitablly harsher riding but the slightly slacker head angle and much faster rolling wheel may offset the pain ;) one thing about those Maxxis DHF/DHR 29+ in the 3C is they are sloooow rolling beast tires!