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Aug. 22, 2017, 9:47 a.m. -  Merwinn

"_While I feel comfortable in the motivation I have to ride as much as I can, does my willingness to accept compromise rule me out from being accepted, even socially, among the mountain biking elite?_" Some will shun you, but that's because they don't have kids and can't relate. They have no idea how much work kids are. So be it. Others will hear "three kids" and understand how little time you truly have, and that you have only a small fraction of your own time for riding. Aside form that given the costs of daycare, clothing, sports and periodic travel, I feel like I can barely afford one kid sometimes, so committing to three is impressive, IMO. Hats off. I invested in lights for rides after my kid gets to bed, which lately is pushing 10 PM. Little bugger. Then again , if Harko's on #3, he's probably been there, done that. May I suggest riding between 1 and 4 AM? If you're going to burn that candle. might as well periodically use a propane torch. Wink.

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