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Aug. 3, 2017, 11:59 a.m. -  another_waki

Dear Uncle Dave. I am nowhere close to buy an E-bike, at least not for myself. I may buy a used one for my wife in few years. However, whole trail world cannot be held hostage by stupid policies of United States of America. I understand that it's citizens fear that their trail access can be limited and that a day may come when Police or other armed forces that come in this country in abundance, may shoot law-trespassing mountain bikers on sight. I don't really care. I actually don't. Because that mountain biker will be shot few thousands nautical miles from me and I found butterfly effect to be a rather stupid try hard attempt at being a cool movie about a cool scientific fact. Like me flushing the toilet can cause a Tsunami. I live in Europe, I don't give a flying damn about E-bikes and I like Canadian bike sites. There is a rather broad spectrum between "I don't give a F" and "Send the Carrier group" or "What?" and "End of the world". However human nature and the way media operate these days turns us into seeing the ultimate opposites as the only options, FOR EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. The ultimate truth is a very attractive concept. Also, I love how you pointd out the idiot, saying "they are motorbikes". People like that... sorry, please note: there are humans and there are people... yes... now, idiots like that are many: "26forlife!", "STFU and go ride your bike!", "Sam Hill legend!", "E-turds!"- they all sound as if they wanted a bloody medal for writing it. But what they really are, is that drunk, digusting idiot in a pub that stands up, shouts something and starts laughing. But nobody is laughing with him. Some are embarassed, some don't know what he said, some think they agree but, prefer to shut up. So the weird laughter goes silent, and then they sit down. You just don't see it through the internet... you just see other loosers using prop system to achieve nobody knows what. Number of ass licks VS Number of spits. Very noble. NOT

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